SUSTEUS -Talks & Conferences

“The case for “Right to Return”- Gentrification without displacement in social housing renewal in London”
Chair, "Climate Gentrification" panel
International Conference “Gentrification, what can we do about it? An international dialogue,” Boston University (forthcoming, October 26-28, 2021)
"Renovation without renoviction - The green retrofit of a social housing estate in former East Germany"
RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2023 (forthcoming, 30 August 2023 to Friday 1 September 2023)

Chair, Habitat Studies / Infra Habitation Session, and presentation of
paper “A green, self-financing model of council housing estate regeneration: The case
of Woodberry Down, London”, 6th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs
in Architecture and Urbanism ICCAUA2023, Istanbul (June 14-15)

Poster Presentation of "Green Geographies of Evaluation and De-valuation", School of Geography, Geology and the Environment of University of Leicester - Centenary Celebration Event (May 20, 2023)

"Green Geographies of Evaluation and De-valuation", Organizer. International Conference at University of Leicester | Leicester, UK (May 15, 2023)

Presentation of SUSTEUS Research Project, MSCA Symposium - Making Critical Urban Knowledge for Just Futures at the Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (CURA), De Montfort University, UK (April 21, 2023)
"The green turn in the regeneration of public housing - Self-financing redevelopment and green value capture at Woodberry Down, London", University of Leicester Research Seminars 2022/23 | Leicester, UK (April 19, 2023)

"Retrofit or Rebuild? Differential social impacts of redevelopment in two models of 'green' regeneration of social housing in Germany and the UK", American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting AAG 2023, Denver Colorado (March 23-27, 2023)

"A green, self-financing model of council housing estate regeneration: The case of Woodberry Down, London", 6th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism ICCAUA2023, Instanbul (June 14-15, 2023)
“The value of green in a self-financing model of housing estate regeneration - Tales from Woodberry Down and the Woodberry Wetlands”, at BCNUEJ - Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability (ICTA/UAB) (November 15 2022)

“From Plattenbausiedlung to Garden City: Sustainable Social Housing Renewal in Drewitz, Germany”. Regional Studies Association (RSA) Regions in Recovery Second Edition 2022 conference / Energy transitions, environmental sustainability, and designing future cities and regions (March 29, 2022)

Organizer with Camilo Benitez Avila, Reading Sessions of the Urban Climate Finance Network 2021-2022 Masterclass:
Session 1: Financialisation and Climate Urbanism, with Prof. Joshua Long (Southwestern University)
Session 2: Alternatives to Market Finance for Urban Climate Action, with Dr. Enora Robin (University of Sheffield),
Session 3: Green Bonds, with Prof. Hanna Hilbrandt (University of Zurich) and Dr. Nate Millington (University of Manchester)
Session 4: Climate Risk and Reinsurance, with Dr. Zac Taylor (TU Delft) and Savannah Cox (University of California, Berkeley)
Session 5: Impacts of Climate Finance on Urban Property Markets – Geographies of De- and Revaluation, with Prof. Sarah Knuth (Durham University), Dr. Zac Taylor (TU Delft) and Patrick Bigger (Lancaster University)

“Green Policy Imperatives and Financial Geographies of Greening: Challenges for Urban Gentrification Research”. Authoritarian Urbanism Session Series, Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut für kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung (January 19 2021).

“Greening as a Blueprint for the Gentrification of New York City?” One-day Symposium on Cross-Disciplinary Responses to Gentrification, Keele University (June 9 2020).
SUSTEUS -Articles and papers

Busà, A. (2022). Urban Greening and Green Gentrification. In: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51812-7_163-1
Busà, A. (2024): “Renovation without renoviction - The
green retrofit of a municipal housing estate in Drewitz, Germany”, Housing Studies
DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2024.2342411

Busà, A. and Lees, L. (2023, submitted, under review): “Financialized Municipal
Entrepreneurialism and the Self-financing Redevelopment of a Council Estate in
London: Wins and Losses in Woodberry Down”, City and Community